Coordinating Ministry For Human Development And Culture: The Government Has Implemented Procedures For Anticipating Cases Of Acute Hepatitis, Including Monitoring Before PTM

JAKARTA - Deputy for Coordination for Health Quality Improvement and Population Development at the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture (Kemenko PMK), Agus Suprapto, said the government had taken anticipatory steps related to concerns about the outbreak of acute hepatitis in children.

Agus said the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture and the Ministry of Health had held a meeting to discuss the issue. "Before Eid, we had a meeting with the Ministry of Health to anticipate an increase in hepatitis cases," Agus told reporters, Friday, May 13.

The meeting, continued Agus, discussed several main issues. These include handling procedures that can be anticipated, establishing a laboratory whose capacity will be improved to check for hepatitis, establishing a hospital that can be used as the main focus for hepatitis management, and risk communication.

Agus said the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture also encourages the public to access information related to hepatitis from credible and trusted sources. The public is asked to access accurate information that has been provided by the government or institutions or organizations that have the authority.

"Actually, the public's official channel about it exists. IDAI (Indonesian Pediatrician Association) has also provided a special number to ask questions. Then at the Ministry of Health there is also 119. At the Soeroso Hospital (RSIA RP Soeroso) it is also possible," said Agus .

While related to PTM, Agus admits there are two concerns. First, with regard to COVID-19, which is still being monitored after the 2022 Eid homecoming. Second, is the anxiety related to suspected (probable) hepatitis cases in the community.

"Although to this day nothing has been definitive. Because we are still following scientific developments and further reporting," he explained.

However, Agus continued to emphasize that all parties must comply with the implementation of the health protocol.

Meanwhile, the Chairperson of the Indonesian Pediatrician Association (IDAI) Dr. Piprim Basarah Yanuarso, hopes that parents will continue to apply the 'Clean and Healthy Life Behavior'. He also appealed to parents not to panic if their child starts to get sick and immediately take the child to the doctor.

"During this pandemic we have learned to overcome transmission through the respiratory tract, through masks, keep a distance, and wash hands. Continued how to prevent transmission from the gastrointestinal tract, consume cooked food, avoid contamination," said Piprim in a statement, Friday, May 13. .

Until now, said Piprim, IDAI and the Ministry of Health continue to coordinate and are still waiting for the lab results of this mysterious hepatitis case.

"At this stage, we together with the Ministry of Health are still waiting for the results of the investigation, but the important thing is that we take early precautions so that these cases can be caught as early as possible, so that it is not too late," he said.

In addition, Piprim asked pediatricians under IDAI throughout Indonesia to increase early awareness. If a case arises with patients who meet the criteria.

“For example, digestive symptoms, accompanied by jaundice, pale stools, and others. Then if necessary, liver function tests, SGPT and SGOT are carried out," said Pimprim.

Previously, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, reminded the government to continue to provide accurate explanations to the public regarding cases and handling of mysterious acute hepatitis.

Puan also asked the government to continue to monitor the implementation of face-to-face learning (PTM) in order to keep students from spreading hepatitis.

He also appealed to the public, especially parents who have children, to anticipate the spread of acute hepatitis which is reported to be quite dangerous for children. Puan also reminded the government to work quickly in monitoring and overcoming this disease.

“The role of parents is very important in dealing with acute hepatitis whose cause is still unknown. One of the efforts that must be made is to maintain the children's daily pattern,” said Puan, Wednesday, May 11.