BPKP Investigate Potential State Losses From Procurement Of Mataram Health Polytechnic Equipment

MATARAM - The auditors of the Finance and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) for the West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Representative explored the potential for state losses in the alleged corruption case in the procurement of teaching and learning aids (ABBM) at the Mataram Health Polytechnic (Poltekkes).

The Coordinator of Supervision for the Investigation Division of BPKP NTB, Tukirin, said the audit team was investigating potential losses by asking for clarification in a chain from the parties involved.

"Because to see the potential loss, we are doing a clarification and this (clarification request) is still ongoing", said Tukirin as quoted by Antara, Thursday, May 12.

Although he was reluctant to mention who was included in the chain clarification list, Tukirin ensured that his party had also checked the condition of the teaching and learning facilities.

In interim results, the audit team found many types of ABBM in the Mataram Poltekkes recorded in the Ministry of Health procurement project for the Fiscal Year 2017.

"There are many, it cannot be stated. Just wait for the results of the audit, so that later the police investigators will convey it", he said.


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The ABBM procurement comes from the 2017 State Budget with a budget of IDR 27 billion and has been revised to IDR 19 billion.

Purchase of ABBM items is done through e-catalog. However, there are also directly through the tender system and won by seven tool item providers and 11 distributors.

One of the items purchased was a mannequin doll. This tool is used to support practice in nursing, midwifery, nutrition, and health analyst departments.