Attention! There Are Residents In Two Districts Of Central Jakarta Suspected Of Hepatitis, Central Jakarta Health Agency Asks Residents To Do This

JAKARTA - Head of the Central Jakarta Health Sub-dept., Erizon Safari, said there were three residents in two sub-districts suspected of having acute hepatitis. The three residents are in Sawah Besar and Kemayoran sub-districts.
Head of the Central Jakarta Health Sub-dept., Erizon Safari, said that until now his party had not been able to confirm whether the three had liver inflammation.
"The results of the final diagnosis are not yet known, there are no reports indicating that it is acute hepatitis," said Head of the Central Jakarta Health Sub-dept., Erizon Safari, to reporters, Thursday, May 12.
Erizon said, of the three people, two of them currently can be said to be probable cases of acute hepatitis with domicile in Sawah Besar District. While one other person can be called a suspected case of acute hepatitis who is domiciled in Kemayoran District.
"Until now, he is still being treated at the Hermina Podomoro Hospital," he said.
Erizon asked the public to implement a clean and healthy lifestyle (PHBS) to prevent the spread of acute hepatitis.
"Prevention can start from maintaining personal and environmental hygiene, to preventing viral hepatitis type A, which is transmitted through faecal-oral-mouth," he said.
In a community approach, said Erizon, environmental hygiene is very important because it is the key to reducing the chance of transmitting the virus through dirt that sticks to the hands.
Then, hepatitis types B and C can be prevented by not having unhealthy sex.
"Hepatitis B and C are transmitted through blood transfusions or unhealthy sexual intercourse," he said.