Minister Of Agriculture Syahrul Reveals A Soothing Thing: Outbreaks Of Mouth And Nail Diseases In Animals Not Harmful To Humans

JAKARTA - The Minister of Agriculture, Syahrul Yasin Limpo, emphasized that although the FMD (Foot and Mouth Disease) outbreak in livestock, known as Foot and Mouth Disease, could spread rapidly following the flow of infected meat and livestock, FMD is certainly not a risk to human health.

"This FMD is not contagious to humans. This is the most important thing. Meat affected by the FMD outbreak is safe for consumption," he said in a virtual press conference, Wednesday, May 11.

However, Syahrul emphasized that it is not recommended to consume the parts of the animal's body affected by the FMD outbreak. While the other parts can still be consumed.

"What should not be the organs that are directly affected by the PMK. For example, the legs must be amputated first, the innards, mouth, tongue are not recommended. But others can still be eaten like the meat," he said.

Minister Syahrul also ensures that cow's milk is safe for consumption and its quality is maintained in line with the increasing outbreak of FMD in livestock.

"I make sure the dairy industry and others are still well maintained," he explained.

The Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) has determined that as many as six regencies in two Indonesian provinces are infected with an outbreak of mouth and nail disease (PMK) in livestock. Two districts were hit by the FMD outbreak in Aceh, namely Aceh Tamiang District and East Aceh District. Meanwhile, four districts in East Java are Gresik, Sidoarjo, Lamongan, and Mojokerto.

Data from the Ministry of Agriculture stated that the number of cases of livestock infected with FMD in East Java was 3,205 heads with the death case reaching 1.5 percent. Meanwhile, positive cases of PMK in Aceh were 2,226 with 1 death.

Syahrul said that based on these data, several livestock that were confirmed positive for FMD had a low mortality rate of only 1.1 percent of the number of cattle infected with this FMD virus.

"We hope that there will be no excessive panic, we work 24 hours with the regent and local governor," he said.