Applying For An Extension Of Debt Payment Obligations, Garuda Indonesia Ensures That Flight Services Continue To Run Normally

JAKARTA - PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (GIAA) has again submitted an application for an extension of the Debt Payment Obligation (PKPU) extension for 30 days to the Commercial Court at the Central Jakarta District Court. The application for this extension of time takes into account the ongoing verification of claims.

One of them is regarding the mechanism for the reconciliation plan which is still being discussed further with the company's creditors, as well as accommodating requests from several creditors.

Garuda Indonesia President Director Irfan Setiaputra explained that the extension of the PKPU would provide a more optimal opportunity for Garuda and all creditors, including lessors, to reach a mutual agreement.

Regarding the deadline, Garuda hopes that this application can be put to good use before finalizing the peace plan and completing the PKPU process. The PKPU extension process will be the last extension application which is expected to be maximized by all parties.

"As PKPU aims to get a win-win solution for all parties involved, we believe that this process needs to be carried out carefully and with the principle of prudence," said Irfan in his statement, Tuesday, May 10.

Irfan was also grateful for the support and understanding from creditors throughout the PKPU process, which so far has gone smoothly. According to Irfan, this is an important sign that the communication process that has been going on so far has shown increasingly solid optimism about Garuda Indonesia's business outlook going forward.

During the PKPU process, Garuda Indonesia is committed to ensuring that passenger and cargo flight operations continue to run normally. Furthermore, Garuda's operational performance at the end of the first quarter of 2022 began to show a promising improvement.

This is also supported by the relaxation of travel mobility policies that encourage public interest in traveling by air transportation to increase.

"In addition, the operation of Umrah flight services from a number of major cities in Indonesia and the implementation of Hajj flights will also be a positive signal in our efforts to accelerate performance recovery, which we will continue to optimize," concluded Irfan.