Are You Losing Weight? Know How Effective High Protein Foods Are For Diet Programs

YOGYAKARTA – Various diet programs are an option with the aim of losing weight. This program is related to the effectiveness of the right diet in losing weight and ensuring body functions work normally. One thing that science has proven is how effectively protein helps you lose weight.

As a macronutrient, protein plays an important role in the health and normal functioning of the body. Studies reported by Live Science, Tuesday, May 10, found that consuming protein can help you feel full longer.

According to Jinan Banna, nutritionist and founder of Jinan Banna, being full longer allows you to avoid overeating. Protein, can be a menu and help maintain muscle mass. A study published in Frontiers Endocrinology, a high-protein diet can help us feel fuller longer, use more energy, create lean muscle mass, and sustain weight loss for a longer time.

Illustration of protein lose weight (iStockphoto)

In another study, published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, researchers found that a high-protein diet may lead to higher energy expenditure. Thus more weight loss.

This study also explained that the same number of calories but from different diets can cause different responses in energy metabolism. That's why protein became the focus of study because it is considered more effective in helping you lose weight.

When you consume the same number of calories in a regular diet with calories from protein, you may be using more energy from protein. Thus weight loss is more likely to occur.

Another study published in the Nutrition Journal found that people tend to eat fewer snacks between meals when following a high-protein diet. In addition, the body finds it harder to store protein as fat — so, by eating foods with more protein, you may find that your body stores less fat over time.

Because there is no exact amount recommended for weight loss, but the average can consume 1.8-2.9 grams of protein every day. However, Banna suggested, you should make the menu more varied. Foods high in protein are not only animal, but must be combined with plant protein foods. For example, in addition to consuming fish with omega-3s or meat, you need to consume plant-based protein sources such as fruits, nuts, and tofu.