PPKM Java-Bali Continues To Be Extended, No Level 4 Regions, Only Pamekasan Still At Level 3

JAKARTA - Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan said the government was still continuing to extend PPKM in Java and Bali despite the improving conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic and many easing of activity restrictions.

"To this day, the PPKM Java-Bali rules are still and will be enforced indefinitely following the results of regular evaluations led directly by the President," Luhut said in a virtual press conference, Monday, May 9.

Luhut said, in monitoring the PPKM level assessment as of 7 May, there are no more districts/cities in Java-Bali that apply PPKM Level 4. Then, those that apply PPKM Level 3 leave 1 area.

"There are no regencies/cities that are at Level 4, only Pamekasan Regency which is still at Level 3 due to inadequate vaccination levels. The details of this decision will be stated in the Inmendagri which will be issued in the near future," he said.

Luhut said all provinces in Java-Bali to date have experienced a decline in cases of up to 99 percent compared to the peak of Omicron cases some time ago.

In the midst of the continued improvement in the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic in the country, Luhut said that the relaxation of PPKM rules would continue to be eased and loosened but would continue and continue to follow the health protocol standards set by the government.

The government, continued Luhut, also continues to accelerate the second dose of vaccination and also booster for all areas of Java and Bali which are still lagging behind, both the second and booster doses of vaccine.

"In addition, the government continues to encourage the use of PeduliLindung and masks in public places. This is done solely to reduce the bad impact of COVID-19 and provide immunity for the community," he added.