Fatigue And Dizziness Are The Main Causes Of Travelers Checking At The Tangerang PMI Post

TANGERANG - Homecomers who carry out health checks at the Tangerang City PMI service post until D+6 Lebaran 2022 are dominated by fatigue and dizziness. However, they were not referred to a health facility.

"Most of those who came to the health post felt dizzy and tired. However, no one was referred," said Tangerang City PMI Service Division Head Ade Kurniawan in Tangerang, quoted from Antara, Sunday 8 May.

He said the checks given by officers, such as blood pressure and others. PMI also prepares the medicines needed by travelers if needed. "For this year, thank God, no homecomers stopped at the referred Jatiuwung Post," he said.

He added that there were travelers from Madura who carried out health checks at the Jatiuwung Command Post. The travelers feel tired after traveling long distances in four-wheeled vehicles. "After being checked by officers and taking a break, the travelers continued their journey back," he said.

Previously PMI Tangerang City, Banten alerted four units of response motorbikes to help travelers who need medical treatment quickly and precisely.

PMI Tangerang City also alerted two ambulance units at the health service post on the homecoming route. The personnel prepared were 30 people consisting of employees, KSR (Voluntary Corps), Forpis, TSR, PMI Subdistrict volunteers and Sibat.

PMI Tangerang City also provides emergency telephone service at 021-5524521 or WhatsApp number at 08111799616, Emergency telephone service for PMI Tangerang City health service division.