Lots Of Vehicles Passing Toll Roads, Backflow For Lebaran 2022 On Central Sumatran Cross Road, OKU Region Is Observed To Be Quiet

JAKARTA - The Head of Traffic for the Ogan Komering Ulu Police (OKU), AKP Sutrisman, said that the backflow on the Sumatran Central Cross Road, which was in his area, was observed to be quiet. Not yet seen the accumulation of homecoming vehicles that pass.

This normal condition occurs both from Baturaja-Palembang and vice versa. According to Sutrisman, the smooth traffic condition is predicted to continue until the peak of the Lebaran backflow on Sunday, May 8.

"So far, the traffic flow in Jalinteng is normal, there is no increase in the number of passing vehicles," said Sutrisman, as reported by Antara, Saturday, May 7.

It is believed that this normal condition is because most vehicles, especially from Java and Lampung Provinces, choose to use the toll road.

"Just like yesterday's homecoming flow, many homecoming vehicles pass the toll road because they arrive faster," he said.

However, he said, to anticipate the accumulation of vehicles at the peak of the return flow later, his party has placed personnel to unravel congestion on the highway.

In fact, his party has prepared a tow vehicle to evacuate homecoming vehicles that have problems on the way so as not to cause traffic jams in Jalinteng, OKU Regency.

"There are nine security posts and homecoming services available in all border areas of OKU Regency, including our establishment in tourist attraction areas," said Sutrisman.