Overcrowded Lebaran Holidays, Queue Towards MBZ Flyover Snaking Up To 1 Km.

JAKARTA - The traffic density going out of Jakarta is still happening. The flow of vehicles from the JORR or Jatiasih toll roads to the Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed (MBZ) and Cikampek flyovers experienced a queue of up to one kilometer, on Tuesday, May 3.

"The current situation for ramp 3 flows from Jatiasih to Cikampek, there is a queue of around 500 meters to 1 kilometer, officers are still monitoring," said Traffic Director of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Pol. Sambodo Purnomo Yogo when confirmed by Antara in Jakarta, Tuesday, May 3.

Based on the officer's report, Sambodo said that the traffic flow from the Jatiasih Toll Road to Tanjung Priok and vice versa was monitored smoothly.

Sambodo also mentioned that the traffic flow from Jakarta to Cikampek that passed the MBZ Flyover was observed to be densely crawling. "Then for the route below to Cikampek, it was observed that it was still running smoothly," said Sambodo.

Meanwhile, the situation of the flow of vehicles from the direction of the Cikampek Toll Road to Jakarta which crosses the MBZ Flyover and the lower lane looks smooth.