H-2 Eid Al-Fitr Homecoming Flow To West Pasaman Increases

SIMPANG EMPAT - The flow of going home on the West Pasaman District, West Sumatra on H-2 Eid began to increase compared to the previous day. "The increase in the homecoming flow has started since yesterday, it's just not significant," said Head of the West Pasaman Transportation Service, Bakaruddin at Simpang Empat, Saturday, April 30. He said that the mode of transportation for Eid transportation began to increase, both flows from West Pasaman to outside West Pasaman and those coming to West Pasaman. The same one today has added two bus units so that two units depart every day and two units arrive. Usually only one unit," he said, quoted by Antara. Meanwhile, PO. AGS was observed adding three units and POs. PASTRA added one unit to leave the West Pasaman area and enter West Pasaman. "It is estimated that the peak of the homecoming flow is estimated to be H-1 which falls on Sunday May 1," he said. In addition to the number of departures for public transportation, private vehicles with police numbers from outside the area began to arrive. According to him, the Pasaman Barat highway is actually less crowded with travelers every year compared to other routes such as Padang-Bukittingi. However, the homecoming flow usually only increases on D-2 and D-1 for Eid. He said that in general the homecomers in the province return to their hometowns using motorbikes. Take the Manggopoh- Simpang Empat route.

"We will continue to monitor the flow of this homecoming. Homecomers are advised to remain careful and use driving equipment," he said. According to him, his party and related elements are also involved in the regional security post to secure the celebration of Eid Al-Fitr 1443 Hijri. The security post, he said They are in Kinali, Simpang Empat roundabout and the heavily trafficked area of Ujung Gading, Lembah Melintang Subdistrict. At the security post, elements of the traffic police, Civil Service Police Unit, TNI, Regional Disaster Management Agency, Police, Public Works and other related elements were also joined. "The post aims to monitor all activities for the celebration of Eid Al-Fitr 1443 Hijri. In addition, to monitor the flow of going home, back, congestion and preventing crime during Eid," he said. His party also provides personnel at the existing tourist attraction service posts including the equipment at the object. Sasak and Air Bangis tours.