The Volume Of Homecoming Vehicles In Kalimalang Bekasi Doubled On Friday: 23 Thousand Four Wheelers, 29 Thousand Two Wheelers

JAKARTA - Bekasi City Police Chief Kombes Pol Hengki said the volume of homecoming vehicles in the local jurisdiction, Friday night, had doubled.

"Until 21.30 WIB, there were 23,000 private four-wheeled vehicles that passed through Jalan Ahmad Yani artery, while approximately 29,000 units were monitored for two-wheeled vehicles," Hengki said at the West Bekasi Mudik Mudik Pospam 2022, quoted from Antara, Saturday, April 30.

He said that when compared to the same hour on Thursday, April 28, it had almost doubled.

"Today there is an increase from yesterday, yesterday there were approximately 15 thousand two-wheelers, 11 thousand four-wheelers," he said.

Monitoring of going home on Jalan KH Noer Ali Kalimalang from Friday afternoon to evening at 23.00 WIB there was a density at several points but still smooth.

Overcrowding occurs at the Sumber Artha Intersection which borders East Jakarta and at the BCP Intersection at Jalan Ahmad Yani, West Bekasi as an alternative route to the Pantura.

Hengki added that a number of arterial roads in Bekasi City had been prepared to accommodate the overflow of vehicles from the Jakarta-Cikampek Toll Road when the odd-even traffic engineering was implemented.

"We are doing odd-even at the toll gates of East Bekasi and West Bekasi. When travelers from Jakarta to Java go through the Jakarta-Cikampek toll road, they adjust the odd-even toll," he said.

For vehicle registration numbers that do not match the date of travel, they will be diverted via Jalan Ahmad Yani and Cut Meutia, Bekasi City.

"That's also considering the situation of the Jakarta-Cikampek Toll Road, when there is congestion and congestion, the odd-even policy applies. When it runs smoothly there, they can still pass on the toll road," he said.