National Police Chief: D-3 Eid, There Are Still 211 Thousand People Going Home

JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo said that as many as 211,000 people had not yet crossed the KM 70 Cikampek Utama (Cikatama) Toll Gate. The number was based on data predicted by Jasa Marga.

"Earlier, we saw that there were still predictions of the possibility of around 211,809 travelers who currently have a tendency to go home," said Sigit at KM 70 GT Cikatama, Friday, April 29.

This figure appears based on the calculation of vehicles that have passed on H-4 Lebaran 2022 with a prediction of the total number of people who will go home.

Where, on D-4 it was recorded that as many as 85 thousand people or travelers had passed the Cikatama GT.

That way, from today to the next few days the peak of the homecoming flow will occur. Thus, the preparation of traffic flow schemes to reduce congestion will also be maximized.

"This means that there are still 211,000 people or 211,000 travelers who will pass. So like it or not, we need to re-engineer," said Sigit.

In fact, the implementation of traffic flow schemes such as one way and contraflow will be adjusted to conditions in the field. This means that the application time can be extended or otherwise.