Senior Advocate Otto Hasibuan Affirms Peradi's Legitimacy: It Doesn't Make Sense For The Ministry Of Law And Human Rights To Accept Luhut Pangaribuan's Version Of Peradi

JAKARTA - Senior lawyer Otto Hasibuan received information about Luhut Pangaribuan's version of Peradi's management at the Director General of AHU of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. Otto Hasibuan called this a legal defect.

"In connection with that, we state that the registration carried out by the Director General of AHU is legally flawed because it contradicts the Supreme Court Decision No. 3085K/pdt/2021 dated November 4, 2021, which has stated that the management of our Peradi is legitimate," said Otto Hasibuan to VOI, Friday, April 29 in the morning.

Otto Hasibuan explained, Peradi's leadership had a dispute with Luhut Pangaribuan's version of Peradi. Where based on the Supreme Court Decision No. 3085K/pdt/2021 dated November 4, 2021, it has been declared that the Peradi National Conference that we held in 2015 is valid and has permanent legal force and Fauzi Y Hasibuan was elected as general chairman, "said Otto.

Furthermore, Fauzi Hasibuan held the 2020 National Conference of Perasi in Bogor. Here, Otto Hasibuan was elected as General Chairperson of Peradi for the 2020-2025 period.

"Therefore, with the Supreme Court's decision which has approved the management of our Peradi, the Director General of AHU should ratify our Peradi management and not accept the registration of Luhut Pangaribuan who has been defeated by the Supreme Court," said Otto Hasibuan.

"It is very unreasonable if the Director General of AHU accepts the registration of Luhut's version of Peradi who has lost in the Supreme Court and rejects our Peradi registration which has actually been ratified and won in the Supreme Court," he continued.

Otto Hasibuan asked Menkum HAM Yasonna Laoly to respond to this incident.

"Yasona Laoly, who we know so far, is very law-abiding to intervene and cancel the registration of Luhut's version of Peradi and subsequently accept our Peradi registration in accordance with the contents of Supreme Court Decision No. 3085K/pdt/2021," said Otto Hasibuan.

Otto Hasibuan asked all Peadi advocates to remain calm. "Let's fight together to defend our beloved Peradi, believe me justice does not come by itself but must be fought for," said Otto Hasibuan.