VIDEO: Gultik, Popular Night Culinary In Blok M Area, South Jakarta

JAKARTA - Jakarta is famous for its traffic jams. But behind the traffic jams, Jakarta has a legendary culinary night. One of the famous culinary evenings in Jakarta is Gultik. Gultik aka curry bend is one of the legendary names. Gultik traders aka curry bends are located on Jalan Mahakam, Blo M, South Jakarta. These goulash traders are open every day starting at 16.00 WIB. These street vendors line the sidewalk complete with tables and chairs. Usually what is used as a menu in this culinary is beef curry in which there are other parts of the cow, such as veins, offal fat, to tetelan. For one portion of curry, the price is set at IDR 10,000. In addition, the traders also provide an additional side dish in the form of satay which is valued at Rp. 5000 pertusuk. Having existed since the 1980s, Gultik remains a popular night culinary tour in Jakarta that cannot be replaced. Watch the video below.