BPK Fires Employees Who Accept Bribes From Bogor Regent

JAKARTA - The Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) has deactivated its employee who received bribes from the Bogor Regent Ade Yasin (AY). BPK Isma Yatun during a press conference at the KPK Building, Jakarta, early Thursday, April 28. In addition, Isma said, BPK will also process all employees suspected of being involved in the case in accordance with applicable regulations through the Honorary Council of the BPK Code of Ethics. "I feel very concerned about recent events involving BPK RI employees. This is a heavy blow for BPK as well as an 'advance warning' for our institution," Isma said as quoted by Antara. BPK, he said, fully supports the KPK's efforts to eradicate corruption in Indonesia . He said the BPK and the KPK have always worked together to create better and more accountable governance by jointly being at the forefront as "combating corruption agencies" in Indonesia. and we have coordinated with the KPK regarding this incident which can be a 'deterrent effect' for anyone with these basic values," he said. West Java Fiscal Year 2021. As donors, namely the Regent of Bogor for the period 2018-2023 Ade Yasin (AY), Secretary of the Bogor Regency Office Maulana Adam (MA), Head of the Regional Treasury for the Regional Financial and Asset Management Agency (BPKAD) Bogor Regency Ihsan Ayatullah (IA ), and a commitment making official (PPK) at the PUPR Office of Bogor Regency Rizki Taufik (RT). bribes, namely employees of the West Java Representative Audit Board (BPK)/Head of West Java Auditorate III/technical controller Anthon Merdiansyah (ATM), West Java Representative BPK employees/Bogor Regency Interim Audit Team Head Arko Mulawan (AM), West Java Representative BPK employees /investigator Hendra Nur Rahmatullah Karwita (HNRK), and West Java Representative BPK employee/investigator Gerri Ginajar Trie Rahmatullah (GGTR). The KPK mentioned the alleged bribery by Ade Yasin so that the Bogor Regency Government would again get the unqualified predicate (WTP).