Preventing The Spread Of COVID-19, The Kudus Regency Government Gives Instructions To The RT Management For The Data Of Coming Homecomers

JAKARTA - The government of Kudus Regency, Central Java, has asked all village governments to collect data on migrants returning to their hometowns as an effort to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

"The data collection can involve the administrators of the neighborhood association (RT) and community unit (RW) because they are the closest to the residents," said Kudus Regent Hartopo in Kudus, Wednesday, April 27, quoted from Antara.

With the data collection, he said, things that are not desirable can be anticipated early on. For example, there are travelers who are sick, they can be followed up immediately for treatment, whether the illness is due to exposure to the corona virus or other reasons.

The Kudus Regency Government will also conduct a random COVID-19 test for travellers to prevent the possible spread of the corona virus. For those who tested positive without symptoms, he said, of course, they had to self-isolate.

"Although the findings of the corona case in Kudus are sloping, it does not mean that people ignore the discipline of health protocols. Wearing masks, maintaining distance, and diligently washing hands are still necessary to avoid transmission," he said.

He predicts that there will be quite a number of travelers who will enter Kudus City, following which residents overseas may return to their hometowns.

For residents who have not been vaccinated against COVID-19, he continued, 24-hour vaccination services are also provided at the Lebaran homecoming post.