Google Makes Applications On The Play Store More Transparent About User Data Collection

JAKARTA - Google started today showing its intention to be more transparent to its users, by introducing a new column in the Google Play Store that displays information about how apps collect data.

The new information column dubbed "Data Safety" was originally introduced in May last year, with which Google demonstrated how apps residing in the Google Play Store collect, store and share data.

In the Data Safety column, users will see not only the type of data collected by the app they are about to install, but also when the app requires that data to function and when data collection is optional.

The column will also indicate why certain information was collected and whether the developer shares user data with third parties.

Even in this case, developers can also add information about what security measures they take, such as whether they encrypt data and whether users can request to delete their information.

In addition, the column will also indicate whether the application has validated its security practices against global standards.

For parents and guardians of teenagers, the column can also indicate whether an app is suitable for their children.

Data Safety started rolling out today and will be fully featured over the coming weeks. Developers have until July 20, 2022 to enter this information in the Play Console.

Thus, not all applications must have this information when a new page is launched to the user's device.

"Until July 20, 2022, you can continue to publish app updates temporarily, regardless of whether we find a problem with the information you disclose. If there are no issues, your app will be approved and you don't have to do anything," Google said.

"If there is a problem, you must return the Data security Form state to "Draft" in the Play Console to publish your app update. We will also email the developer account owner, an Inbox message in the Play Console, and display this information on the Policy status page ," he continued.

After 20 July 2022, all applications will be required to complete an accurate Data Safety form, to disclose their data collection and sharing practices including applications that do not collect any user data.