The Ministry Of Religion Dispatched 99 Teams Throughout Indonesia To Monitor The Hilal And Ensure 1 Shawwal1443 Hijri

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Religion stated that in reckoning the position of the early hilal of Shawwal in Indonesia had met the new criteria for the Minister of Religion of Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore (MABIMS) on May 1 or 29 Ramadan 1443 Hijri.

Director of Islamic Religious Affairs and Sharia Guidance at the Ministry of Religion H. Adib will deploy 99 teams to monitor the position of the new moon on May 1 to determine when Eid al-Fitr 1443 Hijri will fall.

"We, from the Ministry of Religion, have instructed all ranks to observe the new moon at 99 points throughout Indonesia simultaneously," said H. Adib to VOI, Wednesday 27 April.

In addition, the Ministry of Religion will also invite Islamic Community Organizations (Ormas) to participate in monitoring the monitoring.

"Of course, we will invite MUI, NU, Muhammadiyah, and other mass organizations to witness the isbat trial together," he said.

Previously, the Director-General of Islamic Community Guidance at the Ministry of Religion, Kamaruddin Amin, explained that on May 1, the height of the new moon was between 4 degrees 0.59 minutes to 5 degrees 33.57 minutes with an elongation angle of 4.89 degrees to 6.4 degrees.

According to the new MABIMS criteria, rukyat imkanur is considered eligible if the position of the new moon reaches a height of 3 degrees with an elongation angle of 6.4 degrees. This criterion is an update from the previous criteria, namely 2 degrees with an elongation angle of 3 degrees which received input and criticism.

Thus, 1 Shawwal or Eid 2022 may fall on 2 May. However, the stipulation will only be announced after holding the Isbat 1 Syawal 1443 Hijri session on Sunday, after the process of observing the new moon at 99 monitoring points.

"Rukyat is used as a confirmation of the reckoning and the criteria used. The two things, namely reckoning, and confirmation of the implementation of the rukyatul hilal will be discussed in the isbat session for further decisions on the initial Shawwal 1443 H," he said.