Merapi Sand Transport Trucks Are Prohibited From Operating During Homecoming Flows

SLEMAN - Class C mining trucks from a number of mining areas on the slopes of Mount Merapi are prohibited from operating during the homecoming and return flow of Lebaran 2022.

The Sleman Police Chief, AKBP Achmad Imam Rifai, said that there are many mining truck transport routes on the slopes of Mount Merapi, which are also alternative routes for going back and forth for Lebaran.

"For smooth operation, sand trucks are prohibited from operating during the homecoming and return flow," said Achmad Imam Rifai, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, April 26.

According to him, many of the sand transport trucks also cross the main roads of tourist destinations on the slopes of Merapi, such as in Kaliurang Pakem and the Merapi lava tour area in Cangkringan.

The Sleman Police Chief estimates that the roads to this tourist destination will be congested during the Eid holiday.

Goods transport vehicles, he continued, apart from those carrying basic necessities, fuel, and other main needs, are also prohibited from operating during homecoming and return flows, be it on district roads, provincial roads, or national roads.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Sleman Regency Transportation Service Arip Pramana stated that the alternative routes for the homecoming flow that crossed Sleman Regency were currently in good condition and ready for the homecoming flow.

"The current condition of alternative roads is quite feasible, both for the Tempel-Turi-Pakem-Cangkringan-Prambanan road and the Tempel-Klangon-Wates road," he said.

Touching on the issue of public street lighting (PJU), he said that the lighting on the alternative routes was adequate.

"It's just that for the west direction, namely Tempel-Klangon, there are some points that PJU cannot reach because they are far from electricity. However, related to this PJU is actually the authority of the DIY Province because it is a provincial road," he said.