West Kalimantan Governor Receives Complaints About Paying THR, Reminds Companies To Pay Before Maturity

KALBAR - Governor of West Kalimantan (Kalbar) Suatrmidji encouraged companies in his area to pay holiday allowances (THR) to their employees on D-7 Eid 2022 for private sector and D-10 for civil servants (PNS). He asked the government's provisions regarding THR payments to be implemented.

"However, I received information in the field, there are still companies that have not paid the THR for their employees, so we ask for this to be paid immediately, because that is the employee's right," he said in Pontianak, Monday, April 25.

He explained that the government officially issued provisions regarding THR payments through Circular (SE) Number M/1/HK.04/IV/2022 issued by the Minister of Manpower, regarding the implementation of the 2022 religious THR for workers in companies addressed to governors. throughout Indonesia.

"Based on Government Regulation Number 36 of 2021 concerning Wages in conjunction with Regulation of the Minister of Manpower Number 6 of 2016 concerning Religious Holiday Allowances for Workers/Labourers in Companies, the provision of religious THR is an obligation that must be carried out by employers to workers/laborers," he said.

In addition, companies that can afford it are advised to pay the Eid 2022 THR earlier before the due date of the religious THR payment obligation.

"To anticipate the emergence of complaints in the implementation of religious THR payments, we have established a Task Force Command Post (Posko Satgas) for Consultation Services and Law Enforcement for the 2022 Holiday Allowances," he said.

For this reason, he asked workers who have not received THR to immediately report to the post, so that they can be followed up immediately.