Before There Is A Decision From BPOM, No One Should Sell Kinder Joy In Palangka Raya
JAKARTA - The Center for Drug and Food Control (BBPOM) in Palangka Raya asked distributors and store managers to temporarily withdraw the circulation of Kinder Joy products on the market in the local city.
"Based on the direction from the central BPOM, the sale of Kinder Joy products must be temporarily stopped. At this time, these products cannot be sold in storefronts", said the Head of BBPOM in Palangka Raya, Yani Ardiyanti, in Palangka Raya on Monday April 25.
The temporary suspension of product sales has been conveyed to the distributors and store managers. In addition, it can also be seen on the official BPOM website.
"For this reason, we will also continue to monitor the distribution of Kinder Joy. Until further notice, the product may not be circulated or traded", said Yani.
The product must be withdrawn from the market until the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) completes the laboratory test process which is expected to be completed in the third week of April 2022.
However, Yani explained, Kinder Joy's children's snack products, which are known to be exposed to salmonella bacteria, are different from products distributed to Indonesia.
Salmonella (non-typhoid) bacteria are generally present in water and contaminate raw materials for production. Based on reports by health authorities in the UK, the bacteria can trigger mild symptoms, such as diarrhea, fever, and stomach cramps for those who consume it.
BPOM's decision to temporarily stop the circulation of Kinder was motivated by the precautionary principle to protect consumers following the same efforts made by the UK's Food Standard Agency (FSA) and a number of countries in Europe, including Ireland, France, Germany, the Netherlands and Sweden.
Products recalled abroad are Kinder Surprise brand chocolate products in single packs of 20 grams and triple packs of 20 grams each, each with an expiration date of 7 October 2022.
"Although the production is different, this recall is also a precautionary principle of the central BPOM in ensuring the safety of circulating food. So we have to wait for the results of laboratory tests related to the re-circulation of the Kinder Joy product", said Yani.