2 Illegal Solar Warehouses In Jambi Installed Police Lines

JAMBI - The Jambi Regional Police installed police lines on two diesel fuel warehouses allegedly illegally in connection with the legal handling of the arrest of four diesel tanker trucks that were about to be sold to tugboats on the banks of the Batanghari River.

"We have to seal these two illegal oil warehouses and give them a police line because they are related to the previous case and this finding is the result of an investigation and development of a previous case," said Director of Criminal Investigation at the Jambi Police, Kombes Christian Tory, as quoted by Antara, Friday, April 22.

After conducting a search, the police installed police lines inside the two oil warehouses in the East Jambi District on Thursday (21/4).

The joint team also confiscated several buying and selling notes and a number of liquids that were in the warehouse workers' cottage.

"Installation of police lines is carried out in warehouses or areas where there are 'tedmon' and existing machines," continued Kombes Christian.

The raid was carried out by a joint team of the Jambi Regional Police with the TNI in RT 06, Seijinjang Village, East Jambi District for the development of the case of finding illegal fuel.

Observations in the field, seen joint officers broke through the warehouse door that was locked with a chain lock. Inside the warehouse, no oil mixing or other activities were found and there were no workers. Only seen a few "tedmon" in an empty position. Apart from that, the hut that was suspected to belong to a warehouse employee was empty.

"However, we did not find any activity of cloning BBM which we suspect is illegal, but nevertheless we will seal it and give it a police line," he said.