When Facial Skin Is Oily, Apply This Natural-Based Mask To Overcome It

JAKARTA - Oily skin is a common skin problem faced by many people. This skin type is known to be prone to various annoying conditions, such as acne and black spots on the face. This oily and acne-prone skin condition will certainly reduce self-confidence and also interfere with daily activities, especially for women.

Excess oil production on the forehead, nose, and chin can be caused by wide open skin pores. But you don't need to worry, because the natural face masks below are able to deal with oily and acne-prone skin. Here are some natural masks that you can try, reported by VOI from HerWorld, Friday 22 April.

Lemon Juice

The first natural mask that you can try for oily and acne-prone skin is lemon juice. Indeed, basically lemon juice can irritate the skin, but the vitamin C content in lemon juice is useful for solving oily skin problems. Like, making the skin free from dust, dirt, and at the same time can whiten the skin.

To use lemon juice as a face mask is very easy, you only need to mix 1 tablespoon of lemon juice with 1 egg white. Then use your fingertips to gently massage the mixture into your face, then leave it on for 15-20 minutes to dry and rinse with warm water.

Honey and cinnamon

You can also use honey and cinnamon as a mask for oily skin and cinnamon. The reason is, honey has antimicrobial properties that can kill acne-causing bacteria. While cinnamon can prevent inflammation so both are very suitable as a mask to get rid of acne.

The trick is to mix 2 tablespoons of honey with 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder. Before using it, make sure the face is clean and apply the mask on the face then let stand 10-15 minutes, then rinse with clean water.


If you have tomatoes at home, you can use them as a mask because tomatoes can exfoliate dead skin cells naturally. The use of tomato masks is also proven to make oily facial skin cleaner.

To make a natural mask for oily and acne-prone skin with natural ingredients from tomatoes, crush the tomatoes until they have a soft texture. Next, you can apply the tomato mask all over your face using a clean brush evenly. Leave the mask for about 1 hour. After that, rinse off the mask using warm water.


The water content in cucumber can hydrate the skin and give it a fresh sensation. If used regularly, cucumber masks can make facial skin moist and supple naturally. In addition, the use of natural masks made of cucumber on the face also makes facial pores shrink gradually.

How to make this natural mask is very easy, first you can grate the cucumber until it becomes a runny texture and then apply it on the face. Leave it for 20 minutes and massage gently in circular motions. After that, rinse with cold water. You can also add rose water to get a fresh sensation on the face.


Not only for the breakfast menu, oatmeal has also been widely used for facial treatments. Because, oatmeal can help absorb excess oil on the face. Oatmeal also contains anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that can help remove dead skin cells. As a result, your skin will look brighter and smoother.

The trick is to mix half a cup of oatmeal with enough warm water. Mix well until it becomes a paste, then add a tablespoon of honey. Then, apply a paste of oatmeal and honey on a cleansed face. Gently massage for about three minutes, then rinse with warm water. If you have acne-prone skin, use an oatmeal mask every day.