Prevent Drug Circulation, Joint Officers Search Muaro Padang Prison

PADANG - Joint officers searched the residences of prisoners in the Correctional Institution (WBP) at the Class II A Penitentiary (Lapas) Muaro Padang on Thursday evening, April 21. The TNI inspected the prison blocks A and B. "This activity aims to anticipate the circulation of narcotics and other prohibited items in prisons according to the instructions of the Director General of Corrections dated April 11, 2022 number: PAS-5-UM.01.01-50," said the Head of the Regional Office of the West Sumatra Ministry of Law and Human Rights. R Andika Dwi Prasetya, quoted by Antara.

The joint officers checked every corner of the residential room as well as the items in the greeting room, while the inmates were gathered in the middle of the prison field. "We immediately confiscated these prohibited items to be destroyed, allegedly entered through the safekeeping of goods," he said accompanied by the Head of Correctional Division Ali Syeh Bana, Dandim 0312 Padang Lieutenant Colonel INF So, and Head of Sabhara Padang Polresta Kompol Sayuti. It is important for his party to evaluate the performance of the supervision of goods, considering that bad people will always look for loopholes to be able to carry out their actions. He emphasized that supervision will continue to be improved on an ongoing basis so that similar items do not enter the prison environment, which now has 1,030 inhabitants. .Besides that, continued Andika, that activity held at the same time to anticipate all forms of security and order disturbances within the Padang prison. "Our commitment is clear that prisons must be free of drugs and prohibited items that interfere with security. Thank God no drugs were found," he said. He continued, the Ministry of Law and Human Rights also continues to intensify coaching activities for the thousands of inmates who inhabit Padang Prison.