Following Up On 2,114 THR 2022 Reports, Ministry Of Manpower Will Check Companies

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Manpower's 2022 Religious Holiday Allowance Post (THR) has received 2,114 THR reports. This incoming report will be followed up by direct inspection to the company.

The total number of complaints was obtained during the period from 8 to 20 April 2022. This number also includes 1,556 online consultations and 558 online complaints.

The Head of the Ministry of Manpower's Public Relations Bureau, Chairul Fadhly Harahap, stated that there are a number of reporting topics that are included in the 2022 THR Command Post. These topics include THR calculations that are not in accordance with the provisions, THR has not been paid, and THR is not paid.

"So until now, the number of consultations and complaints that have entered the THR 2022 Command Post is 2,114 reports," Chairul said in Jakarta, Thursday, April 21.

Chairul also ensured that his party would take steps as a follow-up to public consultations and complaints. Meanwhile, incoming complaints will be followed up by the Labor Inspectorate by conducting an inspection of the company to ensure that THR is paid according to the provisions.

"Of course, new complaints will be followed up after the THR payment deadline ends. The Manpower Inspector of the Ministry of Manpower will coordinate with the regional Labor Inspectors," he said.

Furthermore, Chairul explained that the existence of the THR Complaints Post is a form of government facilitation so that the rights of workers/laborers to receive THR can actually be paid according to existing regulations.

"The presence of the religious THR post in 2022 is expected to run in accordance with the mechanisms and provisions of the law," he said.

According to Chairul, the virtual THR post was also presented to make it easier for the public to conduct consultations and submit complaints in the implementation of THR payments without being limited by space and time.

"So that all workers / laborers get THR," he said.

The Ministry of Manpower's 2022 Religious THR Command Post can be utilized by workers or laborers and entrepreneurs from April 8 to May 8, 2022 during working hours from 08.00 WIB to 15.00 WIB.

Meanwhile, people who wish to have virtual consultations can access the website Later, they will be served directly by the Industrial Relations Mediator through the consultation column.