Erick Thohir: Women Are The Determinants Of Indonesia To Become A Developed Country

JAKARTA - Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir said women have an important role in future economic progress. Because, it has been proven that Indonesia can become a developed country, if women contribute to the growth of the national economy.

Erick assessed that the new female heroes in Indonesia came from groups that were able to provide support for national economic growth.

"You (the Madani Brigade) are all heroes of the modern era of the Indonesian nation. Why, it has been proven by the data, we will become a developed country if the strength of our women continues to encourage what is called our economic growth," she said, in the event 'Woman Wonderdul & Magnificent BRI', Thursday, April 21.

According to Erick, women can participate in encouraging national economic growth through support for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). With this encouragement, it will create an even distribution of economic movements in Indonesia.

Furthermore, Erick said that if there is no equality, the hope of becoming a developed country will not be realized.

"Because it is impossible for us to expect our country to progress, economic growth to progress but there is no equal distribution. So I thank all of you," he said.

Erick ensured that he would continue to support one of the biggest contributors to Indonesia's economic growth, namely MSMEs.

"I, as the Minister of SOEs, will ensure, maintain, assist, encourage, support for ultra-micro MSMEs for mothers, which must continue to be improved," he said.