Mandatory Routine, Here Are 7 Benefits Of Exercise For Pregnant Women

YOGYAKARTA – During pregnancy, the mother-to-be goes through many changes in her body. During the first trimester, foods that you like or that make you feel nauseous are automatically selected. The later trimesters deal with bodily changes and in the third trimester it's easy to gasp for air from exhaustion.

Because many changes occur during the 9 months, then lifestyle changes need to be healthier. Like one of them, it is mandatory to exercise regularly because it has the following benefits.

1. Increase stamina and heart health

Overall, exercise is beneficial to improve fitness. For pregnant women, by strengthening the heart and blood vessels with exercise, it prepares the body for labor and delivery.

2. Minimize the possibility of experiencing complications

A study conducted by Ruben Barakat, et al, in 2012 published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine found that pregnant women who exercised three times a week were less likely to have macrocosmic babies. The macrocosmic baby is the bigger baby. According to the study, having a heavier baby can lead to complications for both mother and baby during delivery.

In addition to the studies above, exercising can also reduce the risk of gestational diabetes. Regular exercise at least three times a week can help keep insulin levels under control.

Illustration of the benefits of exercise for pregnant women (Freepik/Gpointstudio)
3. Keeping the mood

During pregnancy, the mood becomes more vulnerable. According to a study reported by What to Expect, Thursday, April 21, it is estimated that 1 in 2 women report increased anxiety during pregnancy. The study also presented findings that with exercise, increased endorphins are beneficial to help improve mood and reduce anxiety

4. Maintain balanced blood pressure

The quick and most effective way to lower blood pressure without taking medication is to walk. This recommendation is proven by many studies, one of which suggests regular walking exercise during pregnancy. Because sports activities that can be done every morning are useful for keeping blood pressure stable and not increasing.

5. Fight fatigue

A little tired may be experienced by many women during the first trimester of pregnancy. Fatigue will increase because the stomach is enlarged and body movements can not be flexible. While it may seem paradoxical, too much rest can actually make you feel tired more easily. So need a little encouragement, though not too tired, to exercise like a brisk walk or prenatal yoga.

6. Improve sleep

One of the complaints experienced by pregnant women, namely difficulty sleeping. Those who exercise consistently, as long as exercise is not done near bedtime, say that their sleep quality is better. Plus, exercise also makes you feel better when you wake up.

7. Accelerate post-partum recovery

It turns out that regular exercise during pregnancy has sustainable benefits. Due to regular exercise, postpartum recovery can be faster. This is influenced by the fitness of pregnancy and the fitter will be faster to recover after giving birth.

Those are the seven benefits of exercise for pregnant women. It should be understood that exercise needs to be done regularly to maintain overall health.