7 Student Demands During April 21 Demo At The Horse Statue, Asking For Sanctions For Constitutional Criminals

JAKARTA - Finally, students from BEM UI and several other universities have gathered in the Arjuna Wiwaha Horse Statue area to hold a demonstration. There are seven demands they made in the demonstration on April 21 this time.

Initially, their goal was to stage an action in front of the Merdeka Palace. However, their progress was stopped by barbed wire and a line of police officers behind the wire.

On Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat, in front of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, students urged the police to open barbed wire as access to the Palace.

"Please don't restrict our movement. We bring demands from the people, we are also part of the people," said one of the orators of the protest at the location, Thursday, April 21.

Hearing this, the police did not budge. The students also cheered the row of policemen who stood guard in front of them.

"In fact, like this, it is not a security measure but a restriction," the orator shouted to the cheers of the protestors.

7 Demands for April 21 student demonstration:

1. Strict action against constitutional criminals and reject the discourse of extending the term of office of the president.2. Lower the price of basic needs and overcome economic inequality.3. Take firm action against all repressive actions against civil society with a strict and non-discriminatory mechanism.4. Realize scientific, free and democratic education.5. Pass the pro-people bill, reject the pro-oligarchy bill.6. Realize true agrarian reform.7. Complete all human rights violations.