The National Police Chief Asks People To Consider Going Home Through Alternative Routes To Taking The Train

JAKARTA - The National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo asked the public not to always choose toll roads during Eid-ul-Fitr 2022. People can choose alternative roads to break up congestion and congestion on toll roads.

He made the statement while attending a simultaneous vaccination activity at the Nahdlatul Ulama Executive Board (PBNU), Thursday, April 21.

"We also hope that the choice of route will be an option because on average they choose toll roads. So of course on toll roads the burden will be heavy," said Listyo Sigit.

It is certain that the accumulation of vehicles on toll roads during Lebaran homecoming has occurred. Because, it is estimated that 85 million people will return to their hometowns.

This estimate is based on several things, one of which is the high public interest. Because, after two years, the government finally allowed people to go home for Eid. The four-star general also conveyed alternative routes that travelers could take. For example, the southern route which has finished its construction stage and another route.

"For example, it is possible to use alternative routes, either in the north coast or alternative routes prepared in the city," said Listyo.

Not only that, Listyo can also use the train mode of transportation. Because PT KAI has also prepared additional seats.

"Yesterday, when we looked at KAI, there was still an additional 20,000 slots per day," said Listyo.