DIY Police Anticipates Traffic Density On Tourist Routes During Eid

YOGYAKARTA - The Directorate of Traffic of the Yogyakarta Regional Police has deployed personnel to anticipate the density of traffic flows on all tourist routes during the Lebaran 2022 homecoming momentum.

"Our anticipation is on D+1 Eid Al-Fitr 1443 H, which is on the tourist route. As we know, tourist destinations in Yogyakarta are very diverse and do have their own charms," said Traffic Director of the Yogyakarta Police, Kombes Iwan Saktiadi in Yogyakarta, as reported by Antara, Wednesday, April 20.

According to him, traffic congestion during Eid 2022 cannot be avoided because it is estimated that as many as 3.9 million homecomers will visit or cross the DIY area.

Especially for tourist destinations in DIY, according to him, it is estimated that no less than 500 to 1 million people will visit during Eid 2022.

"It must be jammed but don't worry our officers will definitely be on the road providing services so that the community is facilitated smoothly. If you encounter congestion, please understand because all have the same goal," said Iwan.

Tourist attractions in DIY, according to Iwan, will be the main destinations that travelers will visit because they are easy to reach and have economical ticket prices.

"We see that Yogyakarta is directly adjacent to Central Java and is directly connected to toll access to Solo, Central Java, so that reaching Yogyakarta is easier than people flying to Bali," he said.

Iwan said to ensure the safety of the 2022 Lebaran homecoming, the Yogyakarta Regional Police will establish 14 security posts for all homecoming routes and 8 special service posts in tourist areas.

Traffic engineering in the form of diverting the flow, according to him, allows it to be carried out according to conditions on the ground.

"Each Polres will arrange its own steps according to the characteristics of the region. Of course the patterns of diversion will not be the same," he said.

Iwan said as many as 1,920 police personnel in DIY will be deployed to ensure the safety and comfort of the community during the 2022 Eid homecoming.

"The point is that Yogyakarta is ready to anticipate government policies that allow people to go home," he said.