Israel Ready To Host Putin-Zelensky Meeting, Ambassador Ben Zvi: What Turkey Can Do In Our Country

JAKARTA - Israel has expressed its readiness to host a possible meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and President Volodymyr Zelensky, said Israel's Ambassador to Russia Alezander Ben Zvi.

"Of course," he said in response to a question regarding President Putin's meeting with President Zelensky, TASS reported April 20.

"However, they (Putin and Zelensky) need to make a decision," the envoy added.

He further explained that it would be a great honor for Israel to host possible peace talks between the President of Ukraine and the President of Russia.

"We would be happy to host such a meeting in Jerusalem," said Ben Zvi.

Not only at the level of state leaders, Ben Zvi also said that the Russian delegation and the Ukrainian delegation could also hold meetings in Jerusalem.

"What is done in Turkey can also be done in our country," he said.






At the same time, Alexander Ben Zvi continued to say, Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and Russian President Vladimir Putin maintain regular contact with each other.

"Indeed, they are in regular contact with each other. I cannot say exactly when their (contact) will occur," the envoy added.

It is known that President Putin and PM Bennett have held several telephone conversations since the beginning of the year. In addition, the Israeli prime minister made a brief visit to Moscow in early March. The two leaders discussed the situation around Ukraine.