Dehydration While Fasting? This Is Doctor's Advice To Prevent

JAKARTA - Chief of Medical Halodoc dr Irwan Heriyanto, MARS said the risk of dehydration during fasting can be prevented by maintaining a pattern of drinking water consumption of eight to ten glasses from opening time to imsak.

"This consumption can be divided during sahur, iftar, and after iftar," said Irwan Heriyanto, who was confirmed in Jakarta, Tuesday, April 19 afternoon.

Dehydration is a condition when the body fluid that enters is less than the body fluid that comes out so that the body becomes dehydrated.

"Dehydration occurs when the fluid intake needed is not sufficient, such as when fasting or during a busy activity so that you forget to consume fluids," he said, quoted by Antara.

In addition, said Irwan, dehydration can also occur if there is more fluid coming out of the body, such as in people who are vomiting or have diarrhea. Increased physical activity also increases fluid requirements so that the risk for dehydration increases.

In the worst conditions, symptoms that arise due to dehydration can be seen from high thirst, irregular heartbeat, decreased blood pressure, faster breathing, sunken eyes, dry skin and loss of elasticity.

In addition, the urine is darker in color and you urinate less often, have severe headaches, sleep more often, look confused and irritable, and are at risk for fainting and seizures.

Irwan said that mild to moderate dehydration can be characterized as thirst, dark yellow or concentrated urine, decreased frequency and volume of urination, dry and sticky mouth, easy sleepiness and fatigue, headaches and difficulty concentrating, muscle cramps, fever, or difficulty passing stools.

Efforts to avoid dehydration while fasting can be done by ensuring adequate fluid needs by consuming eight to ten glasses of water a day while not fasting.

Irwan ensured that there was no special food menu that could reduce the risk of dehydration. "The risk of dehydration can be reduced by ensuring adequate fluid intake. This fluid requirement can be obtained not only from plain water but also from vegetables and fruit," he said.

Irwan said that the food consumed needs to be ensured that it has balanced nutrition so that during fasting there is not only adequate fluids, but the body remains energetic and healthy.