Kang Emil Supports The Construction Of 5 Bandung Flood Control Lakes

BANDUNG - West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil supports the plan to build five flood control lakes in the Bandung Regency area with a total area of 170 hectares, while for the initial stage the lake is prioritized to be built in the Tegalluar area of 13.3 hectares.

"I welcome this historic event, which is still in the context of the Citarum Harum Program," said Governor Ridwan Kamil accompanied by Bandung Regent Dadang Supriatna, at SMA Negeri 1 Bojongsoang, Bandung Regency, quoted by Antara, Monday, April 18.

According to Kang Emil, the governor's nickname, the function of the retention lake is to accommodate water when the discharge is high before slowly flowing it into the Citarum River. That way, the potential for flooding due to overflowing of the Citarum River can be reduced.

"The plan to build five new lakes, mainly in Tegalluar, is to park water before it flows into Citarum, which of course needs management," he said.

The land to build the lake is the result of consolidation of privately owned land which is required to be 10 percent for the benefit of public facilities and social facilities.

Kang Emil wants the lake to be multifunctional in its construction, not only as a flood controller, but also as a source of raw water, a producer of renewable energy, and a new tourist destination.

"Water parking here must be multifunctional, namely flood control, raw water sources, new tourist destinations and generate electrical energy. So it's visually a tourist spot, even though it's flood control. I support it physically and mentally," said Kang Emil.

The West Java Provincial Government will support the construction of the five lakes in terms of the budget, as well as the concept. So far, the value and allocation of the construction budget are still being calculated.

"The budget is being calculated whether it will come from the BBWS (River Area Center), the Province or a combination with the Regency," said Kang Emil.

What is certain, he continued, the plan to build this lake will be reported to the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo when reviewing the progress of Citarum Harum in the near future.

"The President will soon come to review the progress of handling the Harum Citarum. We will report on the plan for the construction of these five new lakes, mainly in Tegalluar," said Kang Emil.

The Citarum Harum program for the past two years has experienced significant development. In addition to reducing the impact of flooding, the water pollution level of the longest river in West Java continues to improve. President Jokowi will monitor this development in addition to inaugurating the Cisangkuy and Andir folders.

"One of the things that the President will inaugurate is the Cisangkuy and Andir folder," he said.

Equally important, apart from building five new lakes, on this occasion Kang Emil also conveyed the plans for the construction of the Tegalluar Bypass Road and the Soreang-Ciwidey-Pangalengan Toll Road.