Bakamla And MSC Singapore Cooperate To Overcome Oil Spill

BATAM - The West Maritime Zone Kamla Office of Bakamla and the Singapore Maritime Security Command have agreed to work together in overcoming oil spills that often occur in the Bintan waters of the Riau Archipelago through the exchange of information.

Information exchange is carried out at the Command and Control Center (Puskodal) Bakamla RI with the Information Fusion Center (IFC) which is owned by Singapore.

Reported by Antara, Saturday, April 16, the agreement was reached during a meeting of the Head of the West Maritime Zone Kamla Office, Laksma Bakamla Hadi Pranoto, with the Deputy Commander of the Marsec Republic of Singapore Navy COL Rinson Chua in Batam.

During the meeting, the Head of the West Maritime Zone Kamla Office, Laksma Bakamla Hadi Pranoto, hoped that the maritime information issued by the IFC, particularly related to the oil spill, could be confirmed to the Indonesian Bakamla, especially the West Maritime Zone Kamla Office.

That way, various threats and incidents caused by oil spills can be overcome.

Meanwhile, Deputy Commander Marsec Republic of Singapore Navy COL Rinson Chua explained that frequent oil spills can disrupt tourism activities, where most of the visitors are Indonesian citizens.

"There needs to be cooperation and exchange of information in addressing and preventing this problem," said Col Rinson Chua.

In addition to exchanging information, the two also discussed the proposed sector patrol between elements of the West Zone Bakamla and Marsec Singapore.