Buleleng Regent Held Eid Prayer With Prokes

BULELENG - Buleleng Regent Putu Agus Suradnyana hopes that Muslims will continue to apply health protocols to prevent the transmission of COVID-19 during the upcoming Eid prayer at mosques and open fields in the area. "I ask the Buleleng Regency Islamic Holiday Committee (PHBI) to continue to apply the COVID-19 health protocol (prokes) for the implementation of the Takbir Akbar religious activity and Eid Prayer 1443 Hijriah in Buleleng Regency," he said in Singaraja, Buleleng Regency, Bali. , Thursday April 14. He explained that although COVID-19 cases in Buleleng Regency have decreased, all worship activities must continue to maintain the health procedures to provide a sense of comfort and solemnity for the people in worship. Prokes must be applied in every activity that involves many people. "Not only in religious activities, but also in other activities. In order for worship to run solemnly and well, we don't worry about bad things if Prokes is implemented properly. According to the rules also It can be done," he said as quoted by Antara. The public in Buleleng, especially Muslims, are asked to always maintain a conducive situation, especially during the Takbir Akbar and Eid al-Fitr prayers. Inter-religious harmony in Buleleng must always be maintained.

"Everyone must take care of each other. Not only Muslim brothers but all of them. Fellow religious people respect each other in accordance with the norms of Pancasila. Buleleng is very wide and has a diverse society, to create harmony we must take care of each other among religious believers," said Agus Suradnyana. PHBI Buleleng Muchlish said that the circular takbir akbar will be held on May 1, 2022 with a route from the ex-Port of Buleleng to Jalan Hasanuddin, Jalan Sutomo, Jalan Diponegoro, and back to the ex-Port Buleleng, while Eid prayers can also be held in open spaces, one of which is the Singaraja City Park. Regarding the implementation of the COVID-19 prokes, PHBI Buleleng will urge the people to always follow it so that worship runs safely and comfortably. "In accordance with the Circular of the Minister of Religion Number 08 of 2022 that we are allowed to carry out worship activities. We thank Thank you for the approval and support from the Regent," said Muchlish.