The Logo Is Used To Ask For A Donation Of Rp. 5 Billion To The DKI Provincial Government, The Indonesian Chinese Islamic Brotherhood Reports To The Metro Police

JAKARTA - The Indonesian Chinese Islamic Brotherhood (PITI) reported the alleged misuse of the organization's brand and logo to the Metro Jaya Police. The report was made because the logo was allegedly used by another party to request assistance from the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government.

"I came to report brother DS using the logo of the organization I lead," said PITI Chairman Ipong Hembing Putra to reporters, Thursday, April 14.

PITI's attorney, Ganjar Purnomo, said that the use of this logo caused material losses. This is because the perpetrator, who is still in the process of being investigated, is suspected of asking for help from the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government.

"Receiving assistance from the DKI Provincial Government has turned into a grant of up to Rp5 billion. We feel that we have been disadvantaged," he said.

In fact, the client's logo has been officially registered and the certificate was issued on January 8, 2016. So, with this certificate, the client is the legal owner of the PITI brand and logo.

"By law, we are the owner of the PITI logo brand. Suddenly the PITI brand or logo was used (another), namely the Chinese Islamic Association," said Ganjar.

Report received with Number LP/B/1925/VI/2002/SPKT/Polda Metro Jaya, Date: April 14, 2022.

The reported party is suspected of violating the Articles reported are Article 100 and/or Article 102 of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 20 of 2016 concerning Brands.