NTB Police Take Over Case Of Victim Of Begal Become A Suspect Due To Fighting Until The Perpetrator Dies

NTB - West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Regional Police Chief Inspector General of Police Djoko Poerwanto revealed that the case of the robber victim Murtede alias Amaq Sinta who killed two of his robbers was taken over by the NTB Police.

In this case, two robbers were killed on Jalan Raya Change Village, East Praya District, Central Lombok.

"Now the handling of the case is handled by investigators from the Ditreskrimum Polda NTB," said Head of the NTB Police, Inspector General of Police Djoko Poerwanto, quoted in a written statement received in Mataram, Thursday, April 14.

Regarding the consideration of the NTB Regional Police to withdraw the case from the handling of the Central Lombok Police, Inspector General Djoko has not conveyed.

The victim of robbery in this case is Murtede alias Amaq Sinta, a man from Matek Maling Hamlet, Change Village, East Praya District, Central Lombok. Meanwhile, the suspected robbers who were allegedly killed at the hands of the US, had the initials OWP and PE.

According to the post-mortem report, the perpetrator of the robbery against the victim, Amaq Sinta, died from stab wounds to the chest and back that penetrated the lungs.

Based on the chronology provided by their written statement, they are said to have died while acting on Jalan Raya Dusun Babila, Change Village, East Praya District, Central Lombok Regency.

Their actions were carried out by blocking and forcing the US to hand over the two-wheeled vehicle he was driving.

Meanwhile, the fate of two other colleagues with the initials HO and WA, who were said to be in charge of monitoring the situation from behind, fled after learning that two of their colleagues, OWP and PE, had died.

The results of the preliminary investigation, in this case, the police have named the US as a suspect under the suspicion of Article 338 of the Criminal Code, which is a subsidiary of Article 351 paragraph 3 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 49 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code.

Article 338 of the Criminal Code, which is a subsidiary of Article 351 paragraph 3 of the Criminal Code, regulates the criminal act of killing or taking the life of another person. However, the two articles are linked to Article 49 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code concerning Forced Defense (Noodweer) which states that the US cannot be convicted.

"Indeed, killing or taking the life of another person is a criminal act that can be punished, but in this case there is a reason for forgiveness due to certain situations (forced defense), as regulated in Article 49 of the Criminal Code," he said.

However, for legal certainty in this case, Djoko in his statement reminded again that this is entirely in the authority of the court judge.

"So the Police in this case only carry out criminal investigations, while those who assess or decide whether the act is a forced defense are the panel of judges. Therefore, the proof must be done before the court," he also said.

As for the two suspected robbers who survived, because they were said to have run away, namely HO and WA, they had been named suspects.

For their status, HO and WA are suspected of Article 365 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code which regulates criminal acts of theft with violence and carried out at night by two or more people.

Meanwhile, Article 53 of the Criminal Code, which is the link to the alleged article, regulates the matter of criminal trials.