Solo City Government Prepares Land For Islamic Center Development, Gibran Finds Solutions For Affected Residents' Houses And KAI Assets

SOLO - The Surakarta City Government, Central Java, has begun to prepare land for the construction of the Islamic Center which is planned to be built in the southern part of the Sheikh Zayed Mosque.

Surakarta Mayor Gibran Rakabuming Raka said the local government had actually prepared a location in the Kentingan area, Jebres District.

However, the government of Saudi Arabia, which is planning to fund the project, requested that the Islamic Center or the center of Islamic activities be made into one location with the previous project, namely the Sheikh Zayed Mosque.

For the land where the Islamic Center building is planned to be built, there are still residents' houses. In this regard, he promised to find a solution as soon as possible.

"It will not be evicted, we will find a solution later, it is impossible to be evicted immediately," said Gibran, quoted by Antara, Thursday, April 14.

His party will also immediately coordinate with PT Kereta Api Indonesia (KAI) Persero considering that the land is an asset of KAI.

"That's KAI's land. There were 60 houses, don't worry, you won't find a solution," he said.

Meanwhile, the Surakarta City Government promised certainty that the relocation and the solution would be delivered after Lebaran. Regarding the request of local residents to be relocated in the same place, he ensured that he would provide the best solution for the affected residents.

"This is still at the survey stage, we are still looking for the location for the relocation. I coordinated with KAI, the Ministry of Religion, the Minister of Komarvest (Luhut Binsar) and also with the CPC (Crown Prince Court) in Abu Dhabi, " he said.