VIDEO: Preparation For Lebaran Homecoming, Dozens Of Buses Conduct Feasibility Test

JAKARTA - This is the atmosphere at Kampung Rambutan Terminal, East Jakarta, Thursday (14/4). Together with the Jabodetabek transportation management agency (BPTJ), terminal officers carried out ramp checks on dozens of inter-city buses. A total of 20 to 25 buses are inspected every day. If there are buses that are not feasible to operate, they will be returned to the bus pool for repairs first. This activity is carried out to improve passenger safety during the trip, especially during the Eid homecoming flow. Not only testing the feasibility of the bus, dozens of drivers also underwent health checks such as blood pressure and urine tests. Meanwhile, the caring protect barcode has been installed at the terminal entrance to check the vaccination data of prospective passengers. Watch the video below.