Police Arrest Suspected Solar Hoarder In South Aceh

BANDA ACEH - South Aceh Police personnel arrested a man suspected of hoarding diesel fuel by buying a car whose oil tank had been changed or modified.

Director of Special Criminal Investigation of the Aceh Police Kombes Sony Sonjaya said the man had the initials H (37), a resident of East Labuhan Haji, South Aceh Regency.

"Officers arrested H at a gas station on Thursday (14/4) at around 00.10 WIB. At that time, H bought diesel using a minibus whose oil tank had been modified," he said, quoted by Antara, Thursday, April 14.

Kombes Sony Sonjaya said that H's arrest began with suspicion from officers from the Opsnal Unit and Unit 2 of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the South Aceh Police.

At that time, he said, officers suspected that the minibus driven by H was going back and forth to the gas station filling diesel fuel. Then, officers followed the Toyota Kijang minibus.

"Officers approached the car and examined it. When inspected, it was found that the tank of the car had been modified with an additional faucet bolt to remove the subsidized oil," he said.

From the results of the officer's inspection, the diesel was taken to H's house in East Labuhan Haji District, South Aceh Regency.

"He stored the diesel in five jerry cans each with a capacity of 32 liters. From his confession, H admitted that he had been abusing subsidized fuel for three months," he said.

He said H along with evidence in the form of a Toyota Kijang Krista minibus with a modified tank, a manual pump, five jerry cans containing 160 liters of diesel fuel, nine empty jerry cans, and others were secured to the South Aceh Police Headquarters.