INA Agrees On Sustainable Infrastructure Financing Agreement With Hutama Karya And Waskita

JAKARTA – The Indonesia Investment Authority (INA) has reached an agreement with PT Hutama Karya and PT Waskita Toll Road related to financing sustainable infrastructure development.

It was stated that the collaboration between INA and Hutama Karya was in the form of an investment plan for a number of sections of the Trans Sumatra toll road. Meanwhile, for Waskita Toll Road, a commitment was reached for investment in the Trans Java Toll Road section.

The Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani, who witnessed the signing of the agreement between the government agency and the two SOEs, said that investments made by INA by cooperating with global investors had given a positive signal for the investment climate in Indonesia.

"This can accelerate more sustainable development in various strategic sectors, such as toll roads, transportation, health and digital infrastructure," he said Thursday, April 14.

According to the Minister of Finance, the cooperation that is built is also expected to bring a multiplier effect, including benefits for toll road users and the continuation of toll road construction to improve connectivity and logistics efficiency.

"In turn, it will have a significant impact on economic growth in Indonesia," he said.

The state treasurer also hopes that other SOEs will also carry out alternative financing outside the APBN in the implementation of development projects.

“Transformation is very necessary so that it can maintain the health of the state budget and answer various challenges in financing needs. The state budget cannot work alone to meet infrastructure development needs," he said.

For this reason, SOEs need to make significant contributions both in terms of development (construction), management of infrastructure assets, and financing.

“Although the APBN is very important, it cannot work alone. SOEs make a very important contribution. SOEs in this case continue to need to increase their capacity so that the ability to be able to maximize leverage from their financial balance must be maximized but still be able to maintain the sustainability of their finances, "concluded Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani.

Meanwhile, the results of this transaction will provide additional capital for Hutama Karya and Waskita to be able to continue various infrastructure development plans, especially completing the construction of the Trans Sumatra Toll Road to the next stage.