Protesters Who Beat Ade Armando In Front Of The DPR Building Are Believed To Be More Than 6 People

JAKARTA - Aulia Fahmi as Ade Armando's attorney, suspects that there were more than 6 cases of hitting his client's head on April 11.

"There are 6 police information identified and it is very possible that there will be additional (perpetrators)," Fahmi told reporters in front of the Siloam Hospital building, Semanggi, South Jakarta, Wednesday, April 13.

"I accept, the info 2 has been caught. 4 is still being pursued," he continued.

Regarding the women who provoked them at the scene, Fahmi said that the police had handled it. He admitted that he was just waiting for the progress of the law enforcement regarding the case.

"What is certain is that the police already have the data, they already have evidence of how it will develop later, who is the suspect, we leave everything to the police," he explained.

Fahmi only hopes that the perpetrators of the beatings are caught quickly. So that it becomes a lesson for the community not to pollute the upcoming demonstrations.

"We hope to be arrested quickly so that this can be a lesson for the community that the demonstrations carried out by the younger students should not be polluted," he said.