COVID-19 Cases Still Fluctuate, Palangka Raya Extends PPKM Level 3

KALTENG - The Palangka Raya City Government has again extended the Level 3 Community Activity Restriction (PPKM) for 14 days starting from April 12-25.

"Based on the Minister of Home Affairs Number 21 of 2022 that we have received, from April 12-25, Palangka Raya has again implemented PPKM Level 3," said Mayor of Palangka Raya, Fairid Naparin in Palangka Raya, Wednesday, April 13.

He explained that the implementation of Level 3 was based on the Ministry of Home Affairs related to PPKM Level 3, Level 2 and Level 1 in controlling the spread of COVID-19 in Sumatra, Nusa Tenggara, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Maluku and Papua.

"The implementation of PPKM Level 3 is because the spread of COVID-19 is still up and down or the virus is still spreading in our area," Fairid said.

He said, with the spread of COVID-19, local residents were asked to always obey the existing rules. No exception, strictly implementing health protocols such as washing hands, wearing masks, avoiding crowds and keeping a distance.

As an effort to break the chain of spread of COVID-19, the Palangka Raya City Government, through the task force team, continues to make various efforts, ranging from socialization, early detection, security to case handling.

"Especially now that we have entered Ramadan and Eid will soon be over. So we must be able to ensure a safe, comfortable and healthy atmosphere. Let's minimize the spread of COVID-19 by always implementing strict procedures," he said.

Meanwhile, based on data from the Palangka Raya City COVID-19 Handling Task Force, as of Tuesday, April 12, it was recorded that the accumulation of people infected with the corona virus reached 17,676 people.

Of that number, 17,045 patients were declared cured, 535 died and the remaining 96 are still undergoing treatment.

Meanwhile, in the Central Kalimantan region, there are a number of areas that have implemented PPKM Level 3, namely Pulang Pisau District, East Barito and Palangka Raya City. Then the only area that applies PPKM Level 1 is West Kotawaringin Regency.

Furthermore, the areas in Central Kalimantan that implement PPKM Level 2 are East Kotawaringin, Kapuas, South Barito, North Barito, Katingan, Seruyan, Sukamara, Lamandau, Gunung Mas and Murung Raya districts.