Ganjar Pranowo Holds Free Homecoming, Invites Central Java Regional Heads To Help: Provincial Government Prepares, But Buses Are Few

JAKARTA - After two years of being suspended, the Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo, will again hold a free homecoming for overseas residents in Jakarta in 2022. However, given the limited APBD, the buses provided are not as many as usual.

This was conveyed by Ganjar after chairing the General Meeting of Shareholders of PT Jamkrida Central Java and BPR BKK Central Java in the Meeting Room of the Central Java Provincial Government Office, Monday, April 11. The decision to hold a free homecoming was due to requests from Central Java residents who migrated.

"Someone told me, Mr. Governor, is there a free homecoming or not? The provincial government has prepared but there are only a few buses," said Ganjar.

For this reason, the governor invites regents/mayors to prepare and cooperate with related parties. So that the hope, the longing for family gathering after two years can be cured.

"Our brothers and sisters who want to go home, let's take them to their respective places. We will help them so that they will be able to return safely and comfortably,” he said.

Ganjar estimates that free homecoming will not only help migrants return to their hometowns, build an atmosphere of spirituality and strengthen family relations during Eid. On the other hand, the community's economy will also move.

Moreover, said Ganjar, the rules of the Ministry of Manpower (Kemenaker) are also clear. Namely related to holiday allowances (THR) which must be immediately disbursed by the company.

"So that the momentum of going home is also an economic lever. So I invite the regents/mayors too, let's open it, we pay attention to our citizens who are overseas who want to go home, while maintaining the prokes. This (homecoming) requests are quite a lot, maybe you already miss it, right? It's been two years," said Ganjar in his written statement.

On that occasion, the governor also asked the regents/mayors to continue to monitor the prices of people's basic needs in the market. Based on a report as of Monday (11/4/2022), the price of cooking oil is currently starting to fall in the range of Rp. 17,000-18,000, where last week the average price was still Rp. 20,000.

"I entrust the regents / mayors or at least from the economic assessment, to come to the market every day if necessary to check prices," said Ganjar.