Instead Of Staying Hungry All Day, Eating A Lot At Sahur Triggers These 5 Risks

YOGYAKARTA – Times and eating habits change when fasting. On a typical day, you start the activity after breakfast. But during the fasting month, after sahur do more worship activities or continue to sleep. Without realizing it, eating patterns and portions at dawn affect your body. This is one of the causes of weight gain despite holding thirst and hunger from morning to evening.

Instead of holding on to hunger all day long, eating a lot at suhoor doesn't make you stronger. You will actually be at risk of experiencing the five things below.

1. Fat is piling up

Calories will be balanced, or at least not piling up, if the number of calories consumed is balanced with how much is burned into energy. Well, when you eat more than you spend at dawn, it is known as a calorie surplus. The body may store calories as additional fat.

Because of the risk of gaining weight, it is recommended to consume a menu that contains more protein than carbohydrates and fat. Protein foods also keep you full longer.

2. Disrupt the balance of hunger and satiety hormones

Eating high fat, salt, or sugar can trigger the release of feel-good hormones, such as dopamine. It activates pleasure in your brain. Reported by Healthline, Monday, April 11, if you often eat a lot to feel good, the urge to eat because hunger is replaced by eating for pleasure. This means that the hunger hormone ghrelin is not working properly and the appetite suppressant leptin will get out of control. This will make you overeat constantly and the overall balance of the body will collapse.

Illustration of the risk of eating a lot at dawn (Unsplash/Tawfiqu Barbhuiya)
3. Can make you nauseous

An adult's stomach is about the size of a fist and holds about 2.5 ounces when empty. The reservoir can expand to 1 liter, but overeat reaches the stomach's capacity limit, possibly experiencing nausea and indigestion. In severe cases, nausea can trigger vomiting, which is the body's way of relieving acute abdominal pressure.

4. Burden the digestive system which triggers bloating

Consumption of large amounts of food, can burden your digestive system. The trigger is the consumption of certain types of food, such as spicy, fatty foods, carbonated drinks, certain types of vegetables, whole grains, and nuts.

Besides that, eating sahur is short. People eat more quickly, which increases the risk of gas and bloating. So, so as not to experience this risk, measure the right portion and fulfill your nutritional needs. Eat slowly and reduce the types of foods that trigger gas production in the digestive system.

5. drowsiness

After eating and sleeping, of course, it has been known together that it will have a negative effect on health. Eating too much suhoor can also trigger reactive hypoglycemia. This condition occurs when your blood sugar drops shortly after a large meal. Experts suspect, the cause of hypoglycemia due to excessive insulin production.

Hypoglycemia is not only experienced by people with diabetes. If you eat a lot, both at dawn and iftar, you are likely to experience this as well. Symptoms include drowsiness shortly after eating, lethargy, fast heart rate, and headaches.

Because the risk of eating a lot is not profitable, for those of you who are fasting, eat measured portions and have sufficient nutrition to keep your body fit.