Komnas HAM: No Human Rights Violations On The Death Of Dr. Sunardi

JAKARTA - Komnas HAM announced that there were no human rights violations in the incident of the death of a member of the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) dr. Sunardi while trying to be arrested by the Special Detachment 88 Anti-terror Police in Sukoharjo Regency, Central Java, in March 2022. Commissioner of Komnas HAM for Monitoring and Investigation M. Choirul Anam during a press conference in Jakarta, Monday 11 April, explained that Densus 88 Anti-terror Police had worked according to procedures and "We do not see this (as a violation of human rights) unless there is other evidence and so on, as far as we are currently investigating, we met his family, we checked the location, we checked all kinds of things, as long as it is, we did not find any human rights violations occurred,” said Choirul Anam. He explained the monitoring and arrest of dr. Sunardi is part of a series of investigations into criminal acts of terrorism considering that the deceased had been named a suspect. . Sunardi as a suspect in a criminal act of terrorism. Detachment 88 Anti-terror Police, which had brought an arrest warrant, attempted to ambush and arrest dr. Sunardi in the vicinity of Jalan Bekonang, Sukoharjo Regency, March 9, 2022, at night. Komnas HAM assessed that the letter of assignment indicated that the National Police's Anti-terror Detachment 88 had complied with the principle of legality while on duty. Not only the principle of legality, Komnas HAM concluded that the National Police's Anti-terror Detachment 88 had complied with the principle of nessesity and prudence when trying to catch dr. Sunardi. However, dr. Sunardi when trying to be arrested the police actually resisted and tried to run away. The suspect had hit an officer and drove his car at high speed. In the back of the car driven by dr. Sunardi, there were two police officers who tried to stop the suspect. Komnas HAM in its report stated that dr. Sunardi also hit a vehicle belonging to a resident and an officer while trying to escape. In the midst of the incident, the police who were in the back of the suspect's car fired nine shots, three of which were warning shots. The escape and pursuit of dr. Sunardi then stopped after he hit the concrete fence of a resident's house at high speed. Two policemen who were in the back of the car were thrown and passed out, while dr. Sunardi was found unconscious in the vehicle. He was immediately taken to the Bhayangkara Clinic of the Surakarta Police for first aid, then the terrorism suspect was referred to Bhayangkara Hospital Semarang. Bhayangkara Hospital Semarang on March 10, 2022 determined dr. Sunardi died after his condition continued to deteriorate. The results of the examination at the hospital showed that there were four gunshot wounds to the victim's body, namely the skin of the right arm near the elbow, the right forearm above the wrist, the upper right back near the shoulder blade (the bullet did not penetrate), and right side of the waist muscle. Even so, the family refused an autopsy on dr. Sunardi and has no intention of filing a lawsuit over the death of the terrorism suspect. From the results of monitoring and investigation of the death of dr. Sunardi, Komnas HAM gave three recommendations for the police, namely increasing the enforcement of human rights for every action taken by the National Police Anti-terror Detachment 88, developing a humanist approach in dealing with terrorism cases, seeking accountability, and transparency in all law enforcement of terrorism crimes.