2,000 Combined Officials Complete With Raisa's Car Guard Student Demo In Palembang

JAKARTA - A total of 2,000 joint police officers, TNI, Satpol PP, and the Transportation Service equipped with personal protective equipment and mass dispersal vehicles have tightened security for a student demonstration in Palembang, South Sumatra.

In the joint security team, the police deployed 1,900 personnel from the South Sumatra Police and the Palembang Polrestabes BKO along with the police ranks, said Head of the Public Information Sub-Division of the South Sumatra Police AKBP Erlangga, in Palembang, Monday, April 11.

Each of the 1,000 personnel from the Palembang Polrestabes, 200 personnel on standby (Police Ogan Ilir, Prabumulih, Banyuasin, Ogan Komering Ilir), and 700 personnel from the South Sumatra Police.

They have been on standby at every location for student demonstrations, including on Jalan POM IX, Ilir Barat 1 District (South Sumatra DPRD Office), and on Jalan Captain A Rivai (South Sumatra Governor's Office) since 8.00 WIB.

"Authorities are alerted with orders to continue to prioritize the humanist approach, so that students convey their aspirations in an orderly manner similar to the pattern of action a few days ago," he said, quoted from Antara.

Head of the Satlantas Polrestabes Palembang Kompol Rendy S Aditama said, during the demonstration on Jalan POM IX and the Governor's Office, traffic access there was diverted to other roads.

The traffic diversion starts from Jalan Force 45, Jalan Jenderal Sudirman Simpang RSK Charitas, and Jalan Captain A Rivai Simpang Bukit Besar.

"The route from Simpang Bukit Besar or Captain A Rivai leading to POM IX is completely closed, the route from Jalan Force 45 is directed to General Sudirman Simpang RSK Charitas," he also said.

Pademo held his action in front of the South Sumatra DPRD Office at 11.20 WIB carrying banners, posters bearing the demands to the Government through a pickup truck filled with loudspeakers.

It is estimated that there are as many as 3,000 alliance students from various public and private universities who will carry out the demonstration. They conveyed five points of protest demands against the central government which were also simultaneously carried out in other regions nationwide.

One of the demonstration field coordinators from the Palembang Muhammadiyah Student Cadre Alliance, Wahyu Perdana, said that the five points of protest demands included students demanding President Joko Widodo to take a firm stand or refuse and provide a statement of attitude towards the postponement of the 2024 election or a three-term term, because it clearly betrays the constitution. country.

Then demanded President Jokowi to postpone and review the State Capital Law (UU IKN), including problematic articles and the impacts from environmental, legal, social, ecological, political, economic and disaster aspects.

Then, demanding President Jokowi stabilize prices and maintain the availability of basic commodities on the market, and resolve other food security problems. Then, they demanded that President Jokowi thoroughly investigate the cooking oil mafia and evaluate the performance of the relevant ministers, and demanded that President Jokowi resolve the agrarian conflict in Indonesia.

"We convey this demand to the leadership of the South Sumatra Provincial DPRD and the regional government so that they can then convey to the central government that the aspirations of the people of South Sumatra reject the three-term president," said Wahyu.