Complete Statement From President Jokowi Closing Discourse On Extension Of Term Of Office And Postponement Of Elections

JAKARTA - The one you've been waiting for has arrived. President Jokowi issued an official statement that simultaneous elections for the presidential and legislative elections will still be held on February 14, 2024.

"First, I ask the public that all stages and schedules for the implementation of the general election and local elections have been determined. I think it is clear and everyone needs to know that the election will be held on February 14, 2024," President Joko Widodo said in a limited meeting at the Bogor Presidential Palace, Sunday. , April 10.

Simultaneous elections in question are elections to elect the President and Vice President, members of the House of Representatives (DPR) RI, Regional Representatives Council (DPD), Provincial People's Representative Council (DPRD) and Regency/Municipal DPRD.

"This needs to be explained, lest there will be speculations circulating in the community that the government is delaying the election, or speculation about the extension of the president's office and related to three terms," added President Jokowi.

President Jokowi emphasized that the government's agreement was that simultaneous elections be held on February 14, 2024 and that the elections to elect governors, deputy governors, regents and deputy regents as well as mayors and deputy mayors were held on November 27, 2024.

"And it is explained to all, that the stages of the election will begin in mid-June 2022, because the provisions of the law are 20 months before the vote," said the President.

The following is the opening statement from President Jokowi in the preparation meeting for the 2024 Simultaneous General Election and Regional Head Elections, at the Bogor Presidential Palace, West Java, April 10, 2022. This complete statement was obtained from the cabinet secretariat team via its official website.

Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, Good afternoon, Peace be upon us all.

Ladies and gentlemen, I respect this afternoon. Today we will discuss in more detail the preparations for the general election and also the simultaneous local elections that will be held in 2024.

First, I ask to convey to the public that all stages and schedules for the simultaneous general and regional elections have been determined. I think it's clear, everyone already knows that the election will be held on February 14, 2024. This needs to be explained. Do not let speculations arise, rumors circulating in the community that the government is trying to postpone the election or speculation about the extension of the president's office and also related to the question of three terms. Because it is clear that we have agreed that the elections will be held on February 14 and the elections will be held later in November 2024, everything is clear. And, it is explained to all, that the stages of the election will begin later in June 2022, in mid-June 2022 it will begin, because the provisions of the law are 20 months before the vote.

Second, on April 12, we will inaugurate the KPU and Bawaslu for the 2022-2027 period and immediately prepare for the general election and local elections in 2024. Therefore, we will later need to talk with the KPU and Bawaslu about these preparations so that the preparations for the general election and regional elections will be carried out. We have never had a simultaneous experience, we can really prepare carefully.

Then thirdly, this is to immediately pursue the completion of the legal umbrella of regulations needed for the 2024 simultaneous elections and regional elections. This is so that, I ask the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs for intense communication with the DPR RI and also the KPU so that the program planning can be detailed in more detail, and so that the existing regulations, which have been drafted, do not have multiple interpretations and may later lead to disputes in the field.

Fourth, this one also needs to be decided immediately regarding the allocation of funds, both from the APBN and APBD, in preparation for the 2024 general election and local elections. Yesterday I was told that the estimated budget is Rp. 110.4 trillion, the KPU and Bawaslu; The KPU is Rp. 76.6 trillion and the Bawaslu is Rp. 33.8 trillion. I ask for this to be detailed again, calculated again, recalculated both in the APBN and in the APBD and be prepared in stages.

Fifth, we must also prepare governor officials, regent officials, mayoral officials whose term of office ends in 2022, there are 101 regions. Prepared, because there are 7 governors, there are 76 regents, and there are 18 mayors that must be filled in. I ask that the selection of these regional official figures is really carried out properly so that we get capable regional officials, have strong leadership, and are able to carry out tough tasks in the midst of a difficult economic situation and a difficult global economic situation. So that later the preparation of the general election and local elections in 2024 can run well.

I think that's all I can say. And in the lead up to this political contest, usually warm temperatures are normal, but don't let the public be provoked by useless political interests. Therefore, I also ask for education, massive political education for the community, for the contestants, do not make political issues that are not good, especially issues of identity politics that put forward the political issue of SARA. I think we have had bad experiences in previous elections, we hope this doesn't happen in 2024.

I think that's all I can say at this auspicious occasion.