Denies Hacking Social Media BEM SI, Minister Of Communication And Information: Every Time There Is A Demonstration The Government Is Always Accused

JAKARTA - The Minister of Communication and Information of the Republic of Indonesia Johnny G Plate emphasized that the hacking experienced by Instagram and Whatsapp belonging to the Central Coordinator of the All-Indonesian Student Executive Board (BEM SI), Kaharuddin HSN DM ahead of the April 11, 2022 demonstration was not government action.
"The government has never hacked, there is no hacking," Johnny G Plate told reporters on Sunday, April 10.
Johnny did not deny that the government was always accused of being the mastermind behind the hacking whenever there was a demonstration. In fact, the truth is that the government is tasked with protecting the public from cyber attacks. He reminded everyone that cyberattacks are experienced almost every second.
Therefore, users or users are expected to improve security in order to avoid hacking. Jhonny said that he himself was committed to freedom of the press and the expression of opinions.
"What makes it easier every time there are attacks, the government is accused of. Especially with agendas or events like this," he said.
Furthermore, he asked the public to be aware of the dangers of post truth ahead of the demonstration on April 11, 2022. He explained that post truth is a lie that is spread over and over again as if it is considered true. For this reason, the public is expected to be wise in accepting any information circulating on social media.
"We take care of it together, okay? Once again I say this with the hope that there will be nothing called post truth, the post truth is a hoax that is spread over and over again which can be considered as the truth," he said.
He further said that the task of the Ministry of Communication and Information of the Republic of Indonesia in accordance with the mandate of the law is to clean up hoax messages that enter digital spaces.
Johnny also reminded that freedom of expression must be in line with the law. Therefore, he ensured that his party would not stop carrying out cyber patrols to dispel hoaxes.
"Cyber patrols are 7 times 24 hours 365 days a year, cyber patrols are non-stop, we have to, otherwise our cyberspace will be destroyed," he concluded.